
Let my faith be my eyes

Why? The double edged question that so many times has no answer and leaves the bottomless pit in your stomach. The seasons we all dread but have all faced, often leaves us with that simple yet so complex question circulating in our minds. Why did this happen? Why did you let this happen? Why weren’t you there? Why?

If we are being honest, even the most faith filled people have found themselves in certain seasons of their lives asking these questions. Perhaps it was in those moments that God truly showed us what living by faith looks like and how believing something and living it out are two different things. I can only talk to you about my own personal experiences and what God has taught me through those experiences. My  prayer is that if this article finds you, that it encourages you to walk in faith no matter what the season you are in because regardless of what your feelings are telling you, God is bigger than whatever pain you are going through. I understand that some seasons are harder to believe that than others. Some seasons when dreams are broken, relationships severed, and loss occurs, it is difficult to believe that all things work together for the good of the Lord. It is in times such as these that my prayer for you and myself is ” let my faith be my eyes.”

One of my favorite hymns of all time is ” It is well with my soul” by Horatio Spatford.  What makes this hymn one of my favorites is the story behind the song. Horatio was a simple man of faith who lost everything. He lost his son to scarlet fever, he lost his wealth in the great Chicago fire, and he lost his daughters on the wreck of the Ville du Havre in 1873. The story is told that as he was sailing to England to meet his wife after the tragedy, the captain of the ship informed Horatio where his daughters lay to rest at the sea. It is told that at this point,  Horatio Spatford went to the bottom of the ship and wrote the famous hymn ” It is well with my soul.”

The story behind the song is what makes this song connect even more to me. Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of the storm, regardless of the season I am in, it is well with my soul. To fully comprehend the magnitude of what Horatio Spatford’s song means, you must understand the storm in his life when he wrote this. His faith in Jesus Christ was the only thing that would bring him peace in these times of tragedy. Did it take the pain away? No, there is some pain that will linger for a lifetime. You will always miss your loved ones that are taken too soon but there is a supernatural peace that comes in knowing and accepting that God is in control. Even the things we don’t understand work together for the good of the Lord.

Paul tells us in his second letter to Timothy that as believers in Christ we will all face persecution. Pain is inevitable,  and while it is sometimes hard for us to understand, we must lean not on our own understanding but the Father’s. I’m not saying it is easy, in fact I’m saying the opposite, there are seasons that it is going to be very difficult to let your faith be your eyes. But we must, we must allow our faith to be bigger than our pain, because God is bigger than our pain. In fact, His plans are bigger than your plans, and His love is bigger than your mistakes. It is not just knowing that it is well with your soul but accepting that wonderful truth in the biggest storms in your life. I believe that is where believers in Christ can have peace when the miracles we ask for don’t come true because we can lean on the miracle of Jesus Christ and the promise that comes in him. I believe this is why the Psalmist cried out to the Lord to be their refuge and strength because our Lord and Savior is just that.

I wrote this song in a season where I was asking why and I didn’t understand the answer I received. To be honest, I’m not sure if I understand it completely now and that’s okay because I know whatever His plan is, that it is perfect and true. Regardless if it is what I want or wanted, I will let my faith be my eyes. My prayer is that you also surrender to that wonderful truth, that regardless of what you are going through that God loves you and his will is perfect and true. Perhaps one day, we can be like James and count our trials and temptations as pure joy. I know there are several seasons that I now look back on today that were difficult but helped me grow closer to my creator. In time I know in my heart, this season and the next, God will help us see his love in the storms that we face today and tomorrow. Until that day, trust in God’s promises and let your faith be your eyes.




By: Jonathan Carmack