Join us as Brother Jeremey Burns teaches us about the important role we each play in guiding our children in the Lord.
Jeremy Burns Ordination Service
Join us as Brother Jeremy Burns is ordained to the calling to spread the Good news of Jesus Christ.
Message of Hope
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as Brother Jeremy Burns delivers a powerful message about the hope that comes in Jesus.
Truth or Dare
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as Brother Jeremy Burns discusses the importance of leaning on God’s Truth.
Convictions (Week 8)
Join us at FCC in London Kentucky, as Brother Jeremy Burns closes out our Convictions series by discussing the role of the church.
Senior Sunday
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as we celebrate our Seniors graduating this year and give thanks to the Lord for accomplishments they have made and the ones they strive for.
Youth Sunday
Join us for our annual Youth Sunday as our Youth program at FCC in London leads worship at Faith Christian Camp.
Give Thanks
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as Brother Jeremy Burns gives us a message on a heart of thankfulness.
Trusting God
Join brother Jermemy Burns as he dives into the topic of trusting God as he looks into the life of Abraham and Sarah.
Senior/Youth Sunday
Join us for our Senior/Youth Sunday as we worship our Father and celebrate our Graduates and future leaders of tomorrow.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Join Brother Jeremy Burns as he leads us in our Wednesday Night Bible Study on 4/15/2020.
Christmas isn’t Christmas without the Cross
Join us at First Christian Church in London, Kentucky as we dive into how Christ is what Christmas is all about.