
All In (Week 5)

Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as we close out our series All in and conclude what it means to Follow Jesus’s Greatest Commandments.

All in (Week 4)

Join us as at FCC in London, Kentucky as we continue to study and break down the Great Commandment in Mark 12:30​ and Shemah Prayer in Deuteronomy 6:5 as we continue to strive to be all in with the Lord.

All in (Week 3)

Join us at FCC as we continue our series All in by following Jesus’ great commandment in Mark 12:30, “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” Join us today as we dive in a little deeper on what loving God with all our mind looks like.

All in (Week 2)

Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as we continue our series All in and talk about what it means to be All in and follow the greatest commandment given by Jesus.

All in (Week 1)

Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as we begin our series All in and talk about what it means to be All in and follow the greatest commandment given by Jesus.

Star Sunday (2021)

Join us for Epiphany Sunday as we celebrate the year of 2020 through church testimonies of God’s moving in our lives and set our hearts on the Lord for the year of 2021.