Trusting God
Join brother Jermemy Burns as he dives into the topic of trusting God as he looks into the life of Abraham and Sarah.

Trust the Process (Week 4)
Join us as we close out our series Trust the Process and discuss the end goal for all followers of Christ.

Trust the Process (Week 3)
Join us as we continue our series Trust the Process and take a look at the Gospel of Matthew and Jesus’ instructions to each of us!!

Trust the Process (Week 1)
Join us as we begin our series Trust the Process and dive into the process that each of go through as we put our trust and faith in Jesus.

Fresh Faith (Week 4)
Join us as we close out our series Fresh Faith and close out on the God’s teaching in the book of Malachi.

Fresh Faith ( Week 3)
Join us as we continue our series Fresh Faith and learn from God’s word in the book of Malachi.

Fresh Faith ( Week 2)
Join us as we continue week 2 of our series Fresh Faith and dive into the book of Malachi as God uses him as a mouthpiece to speak to truth to his people.

Celebration of Life for Willetta Holmes
Join us as we celebrate the life of Willetta Holmes and lean on the promises scripture gives us for good and faithful servants.

Fresh Faith (Week 1)
Join us as we begin our series in the book of Malachi and press refresh on our faith.