
Gift Exchange

Join us at First Christian Church as we begin our series Gift Exchange and discuss the gift exchanges that God offers us in trusting him.

Give Thanks

Join us as we talk about the importance of having a thankful heart at First Christina Church in London, Kentucky on November 24th, 2019.

Veterans Day Service

Join us at First Christian Church as we honor our Veterans for their sacrifice for the freedoms we all enjoy and as a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our freedom from the bondage of sin.

Haunted House- Week 4

Join us at First Christian Church as we go through the series Haunted House. When we allow fear to guide and direct us rather than the Holy Spirit, the church can become like a Haunted House. Fear makes the church an inward-focused house rather than an outward-focused sanctuary. Dive into this series with us as…

Haunted House- Week 3

Join us at First Christian Church as we go through the series Haunted House. When we allow fear to guide and direct us rather than the Holy Spirit, the church can become like a Haunted House. Fear makes the church an inward-focused house rather than an outward-focused sanctuary. Dive into this series with us as…