Join us this morning for our Christmas Cantata! Merry Christmas to all!

Join us this morning in praise and worship as we celebrate our hanging of the greens service!
Join us for our Annual Hanging of the Greens Service to welcome in the Season of our Lord.
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as we celebrate the season with our annual Christmas Cantata.
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as we worship together for our 2021 Memorial Day Service.
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as we celebrate the prophesy fulfilled in Jesus Christ this Easter Season with our annual Palm Sunday Cantata.
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as our youth puts on their Christmas Play and we worship the birth of the Messiah in our Christmas Cantata.
Join us as we celebrate the Advent seasons with our annual Hanging of the Greens Service. (1st online edition)
Join us for our Senior/Youth Sunday as we worship our Father and celebrate our Graduates and future leaders of tomorrow.
Join us for our Music Sunday Worship Service Celebrating the first day of Holy Week and the fulfillment of prophecy through our savior, Jesus Christ.
Join us for our annual Christmas Cantata as we prepare for the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Join us for our Hanging of the Greens Service at First Christian Church in London, Kentucky.