We Shall Overcome Week 2
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as we continue our series We Shall Overcome and look into the book of Exodus and the story of Moses for comfort and strength in the seasons ahead of us.

We Shall Overcome (Week 1)
Join us as we begin our series We shall Overcome at First Christian Church in London, KY.

Easter Sunday 2021
Join us as we celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ and the resurrection that brought hope to world.

Palm Sunday
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as we celebrate the prophesy fulfilled in Jesus Christ this Easter Season with our annual Palm Sunday Cantata.

Downfall (Week 2)
Join us at FCC in London, Kentucky as we continue our Series Downfall and discuss the import attributes of Good Godly Leaders.

Satan’s Favorite Lies
Join us at FCC in London as Brother Wendell Carmack speaks on the lies that Satan tries to deceive us with.

Downfall (Week 1)
Join us at FCC in London as we begin our series Downfall and dive into the lessons we can learn from the Kings in 1 Kings and their reigns.