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Honor our Veterans!!!

       When I was a boy and honestly up to this day, superhero movies from comic books have always been my favorite. From Batman to the Avengers I am hooked. For my father it was Star Trek and Star Wars and while I like both of those, it does not compare to my…

Haunted House

  5-year old Johnny was in the kitchen as his mother made supper. She asked him to go into the pantry and get her a can of tomato soup, but he didn’t want to go in alone. “It’s dark in there and I’m scared.” She asked again, and he persisted. Finally, she said, “It’s OK–Jesus…

Waiting Well

Tony Evans wrote a devo called Waiting Well where he discussed one of the most difficult things that people around the world struggle with that God used to speak to me in my devo time. I wanted to share this encouraging thought provoking word from Dr. Evans.  I pray it blesses you as much as…

Outrageous Grace (Disney World story)

One of my favorite illustrations is found in a book titled proof from author Timothy Paul Jones.  He wrote, I never dreamed that taking a child to Disney World could be so difficult — or that such a trip could teach me so much about God’s outrageous grace. Our middle daughter had been previously adopted…

The Little Boy who built a Sailboat

       A favorite story of mine is the little boy who built a sailboat. He built the sail and had it all fixed up, tarred and painted. He took it to the lake and pushed it in hoping it would sail. Sure enough a wisp of breeze filled the little sail and it…

Trusting the Process

Trusting others can be a difficult thing to do. In fact, many of you and myself have probably learned that a lot of times when we put our trust in others, they can often times let us down.  For whatever reason, I put my trust in Kentucky football every year that they are going to…

God and Country

Our nation has been a topic for many of us over the past several weeks, and if we are being honest, though it is the forefront of our lives right now, this is something many of us have talked about behind closed doors for some time. For some times we have seen the division, we…


If I’m being honest, if I’m not careful, this is me in a nutshell. I mean seriously! I get to watching a tv show and it takes over my life. I need to do my work, but big brother just came on or VeLora wants me to take the trash out but its right in…


            Movies capture our imagination. They make us laugh and cry. They make us happy and sad. They tell us a story that draws us in by connecting us to the characters and the situations that they are dealing with. This past Friday our school went and watched a new…

A Mother’s Arms

There was a teenager that did not want to be seen in public with her mother, because her mother’s arms were terribly disfigured. One day when her mother took her shopping and reached out her hand, a clerk looked horrified. Later, crying, the girl told her how embarrassed she was. Understandably hurt, the mother waited…

Leaning on God’s Promises

There are approximately 8,810 promises in the entire Bible. In the Old Testament there are 7,706 and in the New Testament there are 1,104 wonderful promises. Deuteronomy 28 has 133 promises, which is more than any other chapter in the Bible. I say all this to make this observation that Vance Havner shared, Church “We’re sitting on…

Expect the Unexpected ( The Easter Story)

      Easter is one of my favorite time’s of the year. The spring weather is a favorite of mine as it’s not to hot but not so cold where we have to stay in. You get to go outside and see the trees and flowers blooming and it is beautiful and in a…

Final Destination

March is almost over, but the madness concludes this weekend as four teams will play for the national championship. Four completely different teams with completely different path will do its best to make it the Championship game and the Glory of winning a title is within their grasps. Whoever wins will be able to look…

Road to Righteousness

We are truly in the middle of March Madness now. Who has already set aside these next few days to sit in front of their TV’s and watch the madness unfold.  As teams have to compete with each other to reach the final destination in the Final Four. Who is ready for the Madness? Today,…

Watching over the Flock

According to News24Zim A Zimbabwean pastor has reportedly convinced his congregants his holy pens can make students pass their exams – and the more you pay for one, the better grades you’ll get. Prophet Sham Hungwe of House of Grace International Church in Harare is selling the pens, which cost from $1 up to $20….

What’s most important to you?

With the super bowl tonight,  I felt it was only appropriate to tell a super bowl story this morning. There was a man who went to the super bowl and was Surprised to see an empty seat at the super bowl stadium, a diehard fan remarked about it to a man sitting nearby. To which…

The Main Thing cont.

The Main Thing When Leonardo da Vinci was forty-three years old, the Duke Ludovinco of Milan asked him to paint the dramatic scene of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples: Working slowly and giving meticulous care to details, he spent three years on the assignment. He grouped the disciples into threes, two groups on either…

The Main Thing

The Main Thing            I always have believed when you begin anything, a job, a school year, a marriage, or a new year, you must begin by prioritizing what the main thing is with whatever you are starting. If its your job, you need to identify the thing that you are…

Gift Exchange- Give God your Hurt and He will give you Healing

One day, a father and his son Zac were out in the country, climbing around in some cliffs, when the man heard a voice from above him yell, “Hey Dad! Catch me!” The father turned around to see Zac joyfully jumping off a rock straight at him. He had jumped and them yelled “Hey Dad!”…

Gift Exchange – Give God your worries for His Peace

Has anyone ever played Chinese Christmas? This is a game that we play every year at our family get together and I also understand there are several names for this but the basis of this game is everyone buys a gift and we draw numbers to see who gets to choose what present. However if…

Dear Christian Voters *edited

I would like to begin by saying I am not a political expert and if I’m being honest, I usually keep my mouth shut when it comes to politics. I am not one to tell you who to vote for or against or what party you should or should not affiliate with. I believe one…

The Kingdom Agenda

As I pondered what to say during the past several weeks, God placed this message on my heart through the inspiration of Dr. Tony Evans. If you haven’t read his book, The Kingdom Agenda, I encourage you to do so as it is inspiring to the body of Christ as we embark in growing in…

The Story Behind The Song ” He Lives”

With Easter around the corner, I thought it was only fitting to look at the story behind a famous hymn that speaks of the wonderful truth that Easter shares to the world. That truth of course is that our Savior lives. Though it was foretold over seven hundred years before that this would come to…


As I meditated on what to talk to you about, my heart has been heavy because in a times like this, we hope to see unity amongst our great nation. But it is apparent more than ever that our country is more divided than ever. I don’t want to be completely negative, I realize many…

March Madness

All or Nothing It is finally March, my favorite time of the year. For basketball crazies like myself, March Madness is the pentacle of every season. As Conference Tournaments begin and all those teams whose dreams of making the big dance come true or crash before their eyes. It is the classic tale of triumph…

The Story behind the Song

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day this week, a holiday known for celebrating love, I feel it is important to tell the story about the love of Jesus. However, perhaps not the story you expect me to tell. Today I would like to tell you the story of the famous song so many of us have…

Power of Routine (Part 4)

During our discussion about the power of routine, we have talked about spiritual disciplines that will impact our lives from being in God’s word, to praying, to fasting. Throughout the weeks we have asked ourselves essential questions that will tell us if we are on path of moving forward with our walk with Christ or…

Power of Routine (Part 3)

When I was younger, I loved to play baseball and there was a time that my coaches tried to put me on the mound as a pitcher. They soon found out this was a mistake. To be clear, I had a pretty good arm, but my accuracy was not what you would call pin point….

Power of Routine ( Part 2)

Have you ever heard the song different by Micah Tyler? I love that song! I love the message of the song. I want to be different, I want to be changed. God I want my life to praise your name, so that when people see me, they see you in me. The message of that…

Power of Routine (Part 1)

Many of you are still going strong on your new year’s resolutions, while some of you have failed miserably already. The hard part about those resolutions is building a new routine after doing something one way for so long. In many ways the Christian walk that we are living is a routine that doesn’t align…

Gift Exchange

Did you hear about the farmer that decided to buy a chain saw? A logging foreman sold him one that he guaranteed would cut down 15 trees in a single day. A week later, a very unhappy farmer came back to report that the power saw must be faulty – it averaged only 3 trees…

Give Thanks

                   How many times have you wished your life away? If I could just get through this day? If I could just get through this week? If I could just make it to Christmas break? There are so many times in our lives that we just are…

Practice what you preach

Be doers of the word. It is a simple call of obedience to do what God has called us to do, yet to often we neglect the most important part of the calling, the part where we actually do what he has called us to do. As the body of Christ we have been called…

Faith of a Soldier

    Today is a special day in our country as we take the time to honor and thank those men and women who have served our country.  Words cannot express how eternally grateful we are to those men and women as they chose to serve to protect the very freedoms you and I have. …

To: Christian Voters

  I am not a political expert and if I’m being honest, I usually keep my mouth shut when it comes to politics. I am not one to tell you who to vote for or against or what party you should or should not affiliate with. I believe one of the great freedoms we have…

Overcoming Fear

A physician once said , ” the most common and most subtle of all human diseases is fear.” Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Why is fear to be feared you may ask because fear brings destruction and unrest to our lives. I remember when I was…